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The Problem of the Skills Gap in the UK

Writer: Resource WorldwideResource Worldwide

Finding the right skilled talent in the UK is becoming a very real problem for a lot of businesses. This issue covers a broad range of industries, and not having all the necessary skills in-house is potentially costing them a great deal. But at Resource Worldwide, we think we’ve found a solution.

Let’s look at the problem through numbers:

· Construction News reported that 96% of firms are affected by skilled labour shortages

· CITB says that construction will need 216,800 new workers by 2025 to meet demand

· The Institution of Mechanical Engineers reported that 49% of engineering businesses are experiencing difficulties recruiting skilled workers

· Over two thirds of Birmingham businesses looking to recruit are facing difficulties in doing so, as reported by the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce

But one of the most alarming stats of all is from the Government website: “Over eighty per cent of all jobs advertised in the UK now require digital skills, however employers say the lack of available talent is the single biggest factor holding back growth. Estimates suggest the digital skills gap costs the UK economy as much as £63 billion a year in potential GDP.”

The skills gap is not just a frustration, it’s actually costing businesses money. And even if they can find talent, there is also a huge problem with staff retention rates. It is currently a candidate led market and many staff members are only staying in jobs for a short time. This again costs a lot of money in recruitment and training.

What’s the Solution?

As detailed on the Government website, training is a must if we’re going to tackle this issue in the long term. We need people from a young age learning these skills. But that is a very long term solution. That doesn’t help businesses who are short of skills right now and are struggling to achieve all they want to because of it.

This is where it becomes necessary to take a broader view. There is talent out there, it’s just not on our doorstep in the way it used to be.

We work with remote professionals. These are highly trained people with degrees, experience and definite talent. They have the skills to do many of the jobs that UK businesses seem to be struggling to fill.

We work with people in the Philippines. We realised that there is a huge amount of talent in this country and many of them want to work for companies across the world, using their skills elsewhere. It benefits them as they get great career opportunities, and it benefits businesses as they get access to the right skills they need, and in a very cost effective way.

To explain cost effective: we don’t mean cheap. These are talented individuals who have worked extremely hard to get the skills they’ve got. But a very good salary to them is a cost effective salary comparably in the UK.

We believe in paying a very good salary to these people. Value is so important. But when you compare the exchange rate, it makes it good value.

Finding the Skills You Need

If you’re struggling to find skilled talent for your organisation, why not have a quick chat with us. We adopt a consultative approach. That means we won’t just try to give you people we think might be right. We’ll find out what you need and what you’re trying to achieve, and we’ll work hard to find you the perfect match in terms of skill set and personality.

Finding the right person who gels with your team as well as offers expertise is the only way to secure long term success. We make both things a priority in our candidate searches.

The choice is always yours. If you’d be interested to see how we might be able to help, let’s have an open chat. We can share with you how we’ve helped other businesses and how we think we might be able to help you.

At Resource Worldwide, we’re on a mission to end the skills gap. There is just no need for businesses to struggle. If you have skilled roles you need to fill, we’re here to help.


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