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Company Culture and Remote Professionals

Writer's picture: Resource WorldwideResource Worldwide

Hiring remote professionals is becoming more and more popular. It’s obvious to see why as the benefits are numerous, allowing businesses to find the best talent without the constraints of geography. But as these workers aren’t in your office and aren’t physically interacting with other team members on a day to day basis, it might seem as if factoring in company culture isn’t that important. But at Resource Worldwide, we give it a huge amount of emphasis.

When we say we give it great emphasis, we don’t mean we do psychometric tests on candidates to see how they might work in your team. What we’ve done is let trained psychologists lead our candidate search team. We make sure that we match skills as well as personality.

If you’ve not considered this before, here are our top 5 reasons why factoring in company culture when you hire anyone, including remote professionals, is vital.

1. Productivity

Happier employees make more productive employees. Whether you are sitting next to a person on a daily basis or you’re having a regular email exchange across the world, team members who work well together – who are all aligned with the company culture - will always be more productive. In the same way you wouldn’t hire someone who hadn’t got quite the right skill set, you shouldn’t hire people that may not gel in the right way with other team members. It needs to be considered from the outset.

2. Culture Definition

By factoring in the company culture in the hiring process, it means you have to have a defined company culture first. Taking the time to understand what your company culture is and the type of people you want working for your organisation is a beneficial exercise. There is no right or wrong in what the culture should be, but the more you can align team members together with a common way of thinking or to a common cause, the better results you’ll get.

3. Value

As business owners or team leaders, you want your staff to value the company and the work they do. As a team member, you want to feel valued and cared for by those in charge. You also want to feel connected to other team members. If everyone values everyone else and if there is mutual respect, it has a positive effect on the outcomes of day to day work. This needs to be nurtured in an organisation, from the top down.

4. Staff Retention

Last year, HR News reported that “New-hire attrition is an ongoing issue, with up to 20 percent of new hires leaving within the first 45 days of their new role and 33 percent leaving after just six months.” Many workers are blaming company culture as an issue. This is a two way stream, and both companies and workers need to be aligned. That means addressing the company culture and how candidates will fit into it must be a vital element of the hiring process. As we have placed this element at the core of our candidate search, with our recruiters being psychologists first, we have managed to ensure that the remote professionals we place are long term team members. This isn’t luck, it’s science.

5. Career Mobility

Hiring a remote professional means you’re hiring someone who is trained and experienced. They’re not coming into the job to do the same tasks forever. From the very nature of the fact that they’ve taken time to learn their craft, they are ambitious and want to achieve. That means they will be looking for career mobility. They will want to keep learning. And if the match between company culture and team member is right, the candidate will want to grow with you. They will care about their role and the company, and they will stick with you as long as you care for them in return.

The Secret to Success

The key to finding great talent today is offering more than just a good salary. Workers want to feel valued, feel part of the journey and feel happy in their role. When you set out your job description, think about more than just the day to day tasks. Who really is going to be the best fit? What does that three dimensional full package look like?

One of the wonderful aspects of our present time is that you can hire people anywhere in the world (as long as the job can be done from a desk). There aren’t the boundaries that there used to be. By just moving company culture further up the list of priorities, great things can happen.

If you’ve been struggling with new-hire attrition and you haven’t been able to find the right fit in the areas you’ve been looking, why not cast the net wider and consider a remote professional? If you’re not sure what that could mean for you, please send us an email explaining what you’re looking for and we’ll be happy to see if we can help. Or please take a look at our about us page.

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