Dady Bros
Most businesses that we speak to have at least one role they’re struggling to fill.
Marc Dady is the Managing Director of an ecommerce company that sells on Amazon in the UK, eBay and Amazon in Europe, and also on Shopify and TikTok.
The company has a long history of working with remote professionals but never getting anywhere. They had a requirement for remote professionals as they didn't have premises and they needed people to be able to work out of the office.
Marc wanted a professional outfit and he needed to make sure he found the right calibre of people working for the company. But in his experience, specific skill sets have been really hard to recruit for in the UK.
In just the first month of working with Resource Worldwide, Marc was able to find a number of assistants and he’s now built a full team.
He commented, “It's been a dream really. For the most part, our assistants are very hands free and do the work automatically. I spent three months out in Thailand last year and I didn't have to worry about the team at all, because they just get on with the work.
“The trust that even though I'm not looking over their shoulders, the work’s just getting done. That's priceless. Really.”
The Solution
Marc isn’t only happy with how his new team is working, but he is also really invested in how he can help them in return.
He explained, “At the start of this year we were discussing not just the goals for the company, but the goals of the team as individuals and what they want to do. Because for the most part, they are still quite young and they want to be getting houses and whatnot.
“So part of the meeting earlier this month was literally what do you want from the employment and what are you aiming for? Financially or personally? The way I see it is if they do their job well, the company is successful, and it just goes back in one big circle. And when you look at what opportunities working outside of the Philippines gives to them, you want to make sure you give back.”
Reflecting on the challenges that have come with a different way of working, Marc had some interesting thoughts.
He said, “The one bit I hate is when it comes to hiring new staff and I literally can't choose in the interviews who I want to hire. The calibre of applicant that comes through is always ridiculous. People that you wouldn't get a sniff at hiring in the UK, or if you did you’d be making money.
“This opportunity is just there for the taking, but it can be so hard to choose between such talented people. So that’s the bit I hate about it.”
The Future
Looking to the future, Marc is dedicated to building his team and he will be continuing to use remote professionals.
“For us it’s a dream and it’s fully automated, but that comes from organisation and respect, and working together at the start. It's not something where you can just set and forget. You do have to set guidelines and make sure that you are where you need to be.
“The reservations I had at the start were how do I work with people 6000 miles away, especially from the start when it wasn't a full team. I've got an office over in India, a different business, but that had management in place. I don't need to worry about it. But how do you start from scratch in the Philippines?
“But I think if you put in the work at the start, if you manage expectations, for them as well as the company, and you outlay everything that’s required, you build respect and reliability.”
Marc Dady
Owner at Dady Bros

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